My Care: Assure your company’s infection risk management maturity and build stakeholder trust

Business resilience in the time of COVID-19 is an unprecedented challenge. Infection risk management is now at the core of driving performance and will continue to be so long-term. DNV’s My Care methodology assess your company’s compliance and maturity with regards to emerging pathogens, in line with national requirements and industry-wide best practices. The digital My Care trust mark reassures customers and employees that you are managing infection risk well.

The new normal demands a different approach to infection risk management. The level required to create trust in today’s changed environment has previously only been relevant to hospitals and similar institutions. DNV’s proprietary My Care methodology has been developed specifically to assess your company’s infection risk management compliance and maturity applying hospital-grade standards and system​. My Care is firmly founded on our infection risk management approach used by hospitals to ensure patient safety. This is combined with our risk management knowledge, HSE management system expertise and the maturity approach ISRS™. The International Safety Rating System (ISRS) is a world-leading system used to assess, improve and demonstrate the health of an organization’s business processes.

Taking a holistic approach builds business resilience. My Care enables you to get ready today and leverage on your COVID-19 response to adapt your business to the post COVID-19 environment. Driving lasting change in your HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) policies and management system to create long-term organizational resilience.

The agility to prevent and mitigate infection risk means to take into consideration all aspects and activities covering:

  • infection prevention and/or controls;
  • emergency preparedness, policies and procedures related to outbreaks;
  • and process compliance to national and international rules as well as industry-wide best practices.

My Care measures the maturity of your infection risk prevention and mitigation measures, providing valuable knowledge and deep insights into your company’s performance. Ensuring that your operations are at the ready enables you to re-open and continue business with confidence. The independent assessment reassures the public, your customers and employees of your company’s ability to address infection risks. This message is effectively communicated using the dedicated digital My Care trust mark and a validated statement report stored on blockchain. ​In addition, you will receive an assessment that provides your company with more details and insight into where you can improve become more capable and further enhance resilience and trust.

My Care – build consumer trust

The DNV proprietary methodology is designed for a holistic approach to organizations’ infection risk management abilities. The maturity model assesses the current effectiveness of an organization to manage infection risk and identifies what capabilities are needed to improve performance.

To best prepare for the current and post COVID-19 environments, organizations must:

  1. Put in place the necessary health measures;
  2. Re-engage customers and employers;
  3. Move fast, yet think long-term, leveraging on today’s response to adapt business to the post-COVID-19 environment.
The objective is to assure that processes and policies implemented work to safeguard people. The maturity assessment advocates a structured approach where continual improvement and monitoring is essential. The COVID-19 landscape is fast changing and thus any infection risk management approach should be dynamic:
  1. Assess your capabilities in managing and mitigating infection risk​;
  2. Adapt your HSE policies to the post COVID-19 environment​;
  3. Re-assure your customers as pre-requisite to ​re-opening business​;
  4. Connect customers digitally to build trust;
  5. Engage now, re-assess, then engage again​.

To share your readiness and maturity with your stakeholders, you will receive detailed reports and a dedicated digital mark to be displayed on your premises, website or whatever touchpoint necessary to build trust. The mark can be linked to the verification statements and data stored on our blockchain to ensure its immutability and integrity.

How does it work?

My Care measures readiness and maturity across 6 different dimensions:

  1. Governance
    Responsibility and roles of the top management within any organization as it relates to issuing policies, corporate culture development, spreading awareness, risk management and the allocation of resources to mitigate infection risk​.
  2. Strategy
    Detailed planning process in the development of goals and objectives addressing all the components to achieve the desired end goal of infection risk mitigation.
  3. Communication
    Identification and management of channels, target audience, both internally and externally.
  4. Actions
    Addresses a structured and vetted way of handling and preventing infection issues. Based on policies, strategies and planning, you will find all the means to manage flow of actions.
  5. Data analysis
    Related to defining, setting up, measuring and monitoring infection metrics and all the parameters allowing an organization to understand the real status of its planned roadmap.
  6. Continuous improvement
    Process to update and make the organization more efficient, updating roles, processes and tools to achieve the target level of performance​.

The assessment report outlines your maturity profile. It highlights where your company is performing well and where there is room for improvement. This includes a clear definition of priorities to obtain a significant performance improvement.

DNV can perform two types of assessments using the My Care methodology. You can choose between a readiness or maturity assessment or combine them. The main difference is that the full maturity assessment gives more details on your maturity profile, its meaning and associated level on the maturity scale. This can provide added insight to support continual HSE and maturity level improvements.

The readiness assessment shows your preparedness against the benchmark-level. To have an agile, resilient infection risk management processes in place, reaching the benchmark-level is a necessity. You will receive insight into any necessary improvements and for many organizations this is a great way to start on the journey of enhanced resilience and trust.

The assessments are conducted by DNV experts with competence that matches the My Care methodology:

  • ISRS trained consultants for maturity approach​;
  • ISO 45001 lead auditors for risk management knowledge;
  • Harmonized by specific delivery training on methodology​;
  • Supported as required by DNV healthcare professionals in the US, Europe and Asia​.

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