BRCGS Global Standard Food Safety Issue 9: Sites Training /in English/

This course enables delegates to gain a full understanding of the general principles of the Standard, and how to comply with the requirements.


This course enables delegates to gain a full understanding of the general principles of the Standard, and how to comply with the requirements. 
Delegates will also gain an understanding of what to expect during the process of certification, and actions needed prior to, during and after the audit.
Before the course you must have read and reviewed a copy of the Standard, which is available as a free download from the BRCGS Store.
At the end of the course you will be assessed with an exam. This course is part of the BRCGS Professional recognition program.


This course enables delegates to gain a full understanding of the general principles of the Standard, and how to comply with the requirements. 
Delegates will also gain an understanding of what to expect during the process of certification, and actions needed prior to, during and after the audit.
Before the course you must have read and reviewed a copy of the Standard, which is available as a free download from the BRCGS Store.
At the end of the course you will be assessed with an exam. This course is part of the BRCGS Professional recognition program.

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